Warm Homes Loans

Get finance for energy
efficiency improvements

We know most people want to make improvements to their home that will help reduce their carbon footprints and save on energy bills. We also know the upfront cost of these installations can be a barrier to getting them done.

With this in mind, Warm Homes Suffolk has partnered with Lendology to provide loans specially designed to help you make your home more energy efficient. It may be you already qualify for a grant, but need extra funds to complete the work you want to do. Or you don’t have a grant, but want that bit of financial support to get you over that initial hurdle. Either way a Warm Homes Loan can help.

How the loan can be used

Whether you want to invest in renewable energy or make energy efficiency changes to make your home a warmer place to be, there are plenty of ways you can use this loan, including:

  • Replacement Boilers

  • Low Carbon Heating Systems

  • Insulation

  • Double and Triple Glazing

  • Solar Panels

  • Solar Thermal Systems

  • Ground Source Heat Pumps

  • Air Source Heat Pumps

  • Biomass Heating Systems

Apply today

This loan is available to a wide range of people, including many who would be excluded by mainstream lenders. To find out more, and get a free decision in principle, that won’t affect your credit score, visit the Lendology website today.

Got a Question?

Please feel free to contact our friendly team who will be happy to help you.

 Call us today to find out more on 03456 037 686